Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Praise for our God

On June 4th, Alexis was traveling to Pittsburgh with a friend, Blair, when a truck pulling a trailer came around a corner and into her lane before she got to the turnpike. She assumed the driver had just taken the corner wide and would return to his own lane, but he didn't. Just before he reached her, she drove over until she was almost touching the guard rails as he passed in her lane. That morning, my husband had a burden to pray for Alexis and when he got to the office, he had an email from a friend, Troy, that we only see at odd number New Year's Eves, saying that he was really burdened to pray for our family that morning.

We have only recently put these dates together and want to praise the Lord for his kindness and goodness is protecting our children.

Sunday, February 24, 2008

My first blog--I don't know who would read this but I've started.